Over the last few weeks, dusk has been falling noticeably earlier, and as I’ve been riding home, up to the village, there are lights moving across the fields. Farmers working late to bring in the harvest. Later after I’m home and hosed, the combine harvesters noisily edge past our front door, heading back to the farms on the other side of the village.
Today I spent some time working at the allotment, putting the effort in now for next year, preparing the ground. Sometimes you need to do some prep’ and think of the future. Maybe this is the right time of year for making plans.
2013-09-07 23:51:00 GMT permalink
So it feels like summer is over. The cricket season has come to an end, rain and wind harry across the hills of north Bucks and the nights are drawing in. It has been a great summer, culminating (for us) in our wedding. But it feels like autumn is an exciting time, a beginning. Of what I’m not sure, but there’s bound to be some digging in at the allotment, more changes round the house and hopefully the planning of a jaunt to Norway. The harvest is in, time to plan the next one I suppose.
2011-09-20 22:15:00 GMT permalink